There is a range of different levels of production, each requiring different skills and roles to be filled. From the large ones where a camera assistants role is extremely specific to a camera and its elements, to a commercial where the assistants role overlaps with other departments as the need for haste supersedes the rigorous protocols of a traditional film.
Having worked on large budget features such as Mission Impossible and Mulan Louis has demonstrated the poise and expertise that is required in these often high stress productions. However, Louis has also worked on small shoots, often covering video and DIT responsibilities as the budget or travel requirements call for a reduced crew.

| Background |
Born in Sydney, raised in Queenstown with strong ties to Halifax, Canada. Louis completed a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Film and a Bachelor of Laws at the University of Otago and Western University, Ontario. Following this he began his legal practice in indigenous law in Auckland; specifically Treaty of Waitangi land claims. However, whilst studying and then practicing law he always had an eye to the film world and five years ago he made the career change to the film industry, specifically the Camera Department. Louis is currently a Second Assistant Cameraman with some experience focus pulling and operating on various projects.
| Rigs |
Whilst not a tech, as 2AC Louis has experience managing the camera within the Movi, Movi Plus, Ronin, R2, heavy lift drones (both DJI and those engineered by Arial), underwater housings, Technocranes, Dollys, car-rigs, Russian arm, jib-arm and many more.
| Future |
The goal is to develop into a Director of Photography. However, this career is a marathon not a sprint and there’s much to learn in the realms of lighting, framing composition and the rigging required to create onscreen feel. The next step is focus pulling and then operating on TVC/drama. Thankfully, Louis has had the privilege of working under and learning from world class DP’s such as Aaron Morton, Dariusz Wolski, Bradford Young, Rob Hardy, Andrew Commis and many more.